Liberia Independence Football Competition
School/Department Name: International Affairs & Department of Physical Education & Sports
Event Title: Liberia Independence Football Competition.
Event Date: 23 July To 26 July 2023
Time: 11.30 AM to 04:30 PM
Duration in days: Four Day
Level of Program: National Level
Name of Event Coordinator with contact details: Dr. Paresh Rege (7276791039)
& Dr. Ramkumar Solanki.
Number of participants attended: 120
Event Outline, Objective and Outcome of the event:
Outline of Program: Department of physical Education & Sports & International Affairs has organized 04 Days league football competition at green campus of Sandip University, Nashik. On the occasion of 176th Independence day of Liberia.06 teams from various state of India were
present for the competition.
The event was organized under the guidance of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. Rajendra Sinha, Director International affairs Principal Dr. Dipak Patil, University Director sports Dr. Paresh Rege.
Outcome: In the inauguration function of competition declared open of competition & delivered his valuable words regarding benefits of sports and need of Physical fitness in today’s scenario. SUN Direcor Sports, Dr. Paresh Rege & Dr. Ramkumar Solanki played a major role as chief coordinator for event . Registrar Dr. Prasad Baviskar , All Deans, HOD were present over the inaugural function Mr. Vijay Kute , Mr.Rahul Narwade, Dr. Sandip Patil, Mr.Vinayak Parve took the efforts to make event sucsess.