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Programs Offered

About School of Commerce & Management Studies

The industry of Commerce and Management is growing at an exponential rate. Business is the fundamental of any occupation today and therefore the field of Commerce and Management is an important field. The School of Commerce and Management offers various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees. The school offers various programs in Financial Services, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Accounting and Finance and Business Analytics. Students are given compulsory internships in the final year of the program. The internships are important for the self-development of the students and to gain practical experience in the industry. The School of Commerce and Management is one of the famous schools of Sandip University where leaders in the industry are groomed.

Advantages of Studying Commerce and Management Studies


The knowledge of Commerce and Management is of utmost importance in today’s commercial world. A student who wants to work in this field has to have the basic as well as advanced knowledge of this field. Since it is a vast field, there is a lot to learn for the students from this field.


After studying commerce and management, a student can work in various job roles such as Banker, Financial Analyst, Financial Accountant, and Management Consultant to name a few. The students can work both in part-time and full-time roles. The job market for the commerce and management industry is lucrative and the students can join many job roles after graduating from this field.

Message From The Dean


Dr. Rupali Jitendra Khaire
Dean - SOCMS

Dear Students,

Since 2017, we are providing experiential business education. Our sole mission is helping students to become “competent business managers who are also principled value-based leaders”. We have succeeded in our mission by embracing a 100% interactive educational philosophy, which is practiced organisation wide by students and faculty. Alumni and corporate leaders holding managerial and leadership positions in various reputed organisations lend a supporting hand in this endeavor.

We are committed to providing world-class business education. Thus, our business school offers a brilliant portfolio of management educational programs that are recognised across the country. These programs include Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) & Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com). Admission to these programs is strictly on merit basis, which has helped us attain the position to become “most reliable business schools in Nashik”. In addition to that, we offer doctoral program in management of the various discipline.

At SOCMS, students learn from faculty who are educated in renowned educational institutions and carry extensive knowledge both of industry and academics. Our faculty members are excellent in teaching and research, and regularly publish in top academic journals. They bring innovation and diversity to the classroom, which helps us deliver memorable learning experiences to students. In addition to that, students also get chance to interact with industry specialists and alumni, who help broaden their understanding about various business concepts through their own experiences.

Our educational programs offer a solid foundation of business education, and promise a hands-on learning experience. We use case studies, experiential learning, role plays and simulation to enrich classroom learning experiences of our students. Additionally, students are encouraged to organise and participate in conferences and various student-driven activities organised on campus as well as in other leading B-Schools throughout the year.

Year on year the number of corporates visiting the campus for recruitment is ever increasing. All recruiters readily agree on the fact that SOCMS students not only possess an ability to perform in challenging environments but also have a sharp sense to identify opportunities, and have positive attitude and fire in belly to excel.

Indeed, SOCMS is an exciting business school to study and shape your future. I would like to invite all aspiring management students who are interested in practical business education to join us for a life changing experience.

Skill Development, Competency Building and Various Labs

One-on-one Counselling
Resume Writing
Linkedin Profile Building
Aptitude Test
Group Discussion
Advanced Trading Lab
Interview Training
Personality Development
Salary Negotiation
Sector Orientation Talks
MS Excel Training
Soft Skill & Language Lab
Mock Interviews
Communication & Etiquette
Current Affairs Quiz
Psychometric Test
Case Studies
Behavioural Lab

Milestone Placements

Program USP’s


Distinguished Faculty


Updated Curriculum


Placement Assistance


Latest Infrastructural Facilities