Refund Policy

Fee Refund Policy

If a student decides to withdraw admission from the program of study in which he/she is provisionally enrolled, the refund of fees remitted by the student shall be as per the below mentioned table.

Sr. No Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is served to the University by the Student Percentage of refund of Fees (Tuition Fees + Development Fees)
1 15 days or more before the formally notified last date of admission 100%
2 Less than 15 days before the formally notified last date of admission 90%
3 15 days or less after the formally notified last date of admission 80%
4 30 days or less, but more than 15 days after the formally notified last date of admission 50%
5 More than 30 days after the formally notified last date of admission 00%
  • In case of (1) in the table above, University shall deduct an amount of not more than 5% of fees (Tuition Fees and Development Fees) as processing charges from the refundable amount.
  • For the cancellation of admission, a candidate has to apply in the prescribed form duly signed by him/her.
  • The candidate has to enclose the original fee receipt and photocopy of “No Dues” (Original to be submitted at Student Section) along with the Cancellation Form.