Scholorship Sandp University

1) Merit Scholarship- Applicable for current year and continuation subject to performance

A) Sandip University Scholarships Scheme for Maharashtra State

Sr.No Scholarship Type Criteria Value of Scholarship
1 Merit Scholarship - I 90% and above in the qualifying examination* 100% Tuition Fee waive off
2 Merit Scholarship - II 85% to 89.99% in the qualifying examination* 75% Tuition Fee waive off
3 Merit Scholarship - III 75% to 84.99% in the qualifying examination* 50% Tuition Fee waive off

MS Students

  • *Qualifying Examination: e.g. H.S.C., SU-JEE whichever applicable
    The above Merit Scholarships-I,II & III Scheme for (Maharashtra State) of Graduate programmes shall be awarded to the students as per prescribed criteria as per above. Only students selected in first year shall continue to get the scholarship in subsequent years provided they secure marks as per below table.
Sr.No Scholarship Type Criteria Value of Scholarship
1 Merit Scholarship - I 9.0 CGPA and above in the qualifying examination* 100% Tuition Fee waive off
2 Merit Scholarship - II 8.5 CGPA to 8.4 CGPA in the qualifying examination* 75% Tuition Fee waive off
3 Merit Scholarship - III 7.5 CGPA to 7.9 CGPA in the qualifying examination* 50% Tuition Fee waive off

2. Sports Scholarship- Applicable for current year and continuation subject to performance

Sr.No Sports Level Value of Scholarship on Tuition Fees
1 International 80%
2 National 50%
3 State 25%
4 District 15%

Note: Sports Scholarships are subject to predefined number by the university and the following terms and conditions.

  • Applicable for last academic year certification
  • 02 % of the intake will be entitled for above scholarship
  • Submission of copy of relevant Certificates/Medal.

3. Other Scholarship Scheme- Applicable for Entire Duration of Course

Sr. No. Scholarship Type Value of Scholarship On Tuition fees
1 Son/Daughter, Grand Son/Grand Daughter of freedom fighters. 10%
2 Students seeking admission from colleges / institutes of Sandip Foundation to Sandip University (Diploma to Degree, UG to PG) (For limited seats based on first come first serve basis) 10%
3 Son/Daughter of Armed / Para – Military forces/Police. 15%
4 Son/Daughter/Spouse of Sandip University Employees. 25%


  • Above Scholarships will be applicable to all the First Year students for UG courses and for all programs.
  • The Merit Scholarship will be awarded maximum 15% of the program Intake on First Cum First basis.
  • Students selected in First Year shall continue to get the scholarship in subsequent years as per their respective slabs and academic score of that particular academic year.