
Board of Management

Sr.No. Title Name
1. Vice - Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Sinha, Vice Chancellor
2. Members of the Governing Body, nominated by the sponsoring body Dr. Sandip N. Jha , Chairman, Sandip Foundation
Dr. Jawahar Surishetti, Educationist
3. Deans of the University, by rotation, to be nominated by the Vice - Chancellor Dr. Prakash G. Burade, Associate Dean & Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Nissar Reshi, Dean (I/c.) & Professor, School of Science
4. Persons, who are not the members of the Governing Body, nominated by the sponsoring body Dr. M. U. Kharat, Vice Chancellor G. H. Raisoni International Skill Tech University, Pune
Prof. Pramod A. Karole, Academic Facilitator, Sandip Foundation
Mr. Vivek R. Nikam, OSD, Sandip University
5. Three persons from amongst the teachers, nominated by the sponsoring body Dr. M. S. Gambhire, Professor and Dean, School of  Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Dr. Pawan R. Bhaladhare, HOD & Professor, Computer Sciences and Engineering
Dr. A. V. Khambayat ,Professor School of Science
6. Registrar Mr. Pravin Harishchandra Bharati