Rules & Regulations
Students who join Sandip University have to adhere to certain rules and regulations as follows:
Admission Rules & Regulations
- Go through all the instructions given in the admission brochure carefully.
- If you have appeared in a qualifying examination and the result thereof is awaited, you can take provisional admission.
- However, in all circumstances, you shall have to submit the result in the University latest by October 31, except where Regulatory Council’s norms prescribe otherwise.
- Attach self-certified copies of your mark sheets / testimonials with the application form. At this stage, do not send any original copies of mark-sheets / testimonials.
- Paste your latest photograph in the space provided in the application form.
- Before submitting / mailing the duly filled-up application form, go through all the points contained in the form.
- The merit list declared by the University shall be final and binding.
- If any document / declaration submitted by the candidate is found to be false/ forged at any stage, his or her admission shall be canceled and he/she may be liable for prosecution under law.
- The selection to the program will be provisional until the candidate furnishes the required documents and testimonials, including the final results of the qualifying examination at the time of admission.
- Involvement of candidate in any form of criminal activities debars the candidate from seeking admission in any program of the University. Concealment of information on this account will lead to cancellation of admission, if detected subsequently.
- If the University is not satisfied with the character, past behaviour or antecedents of a candidate, it may refuse to admit him/her to any program of study in the University.
- It is advisable that students seeking admission in the University should visit along with their parents / guardians to see the infrastructural facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, library, hostel, and transportation. This may facilitate their decision at the time of counseling / admission.
- At the time of admission, students are required to submit an affidavit duly signed by him/her along with their parents/guardians with regard to disciplinary behavior during the entire period of the program. If any violation is found, he/she shall be subjected to the punishment / suspension/rustication as per the University rules and regulations.
- In case of any legal dispute, the jurisdiction will be limited to Nashik court only.
Disciplinary Rules & Regulations for Students
- Students are expected to maintain decorum in their behavior and habits, at all times, befitting the prestige of the University. Students are also expected to dress decently in all public places.
- Students are instructed to attend all classes and to ensure that they maintain the attendance criteria as laid down in the University ordinance governing the same. A minimum of 75% attendance (except in cases where the concerned regulatory council has stipulated a higher percentage) in lectures, presentations and practical classes individually in each course / subject is mandatory to appear in end / final term examinations. In case of deviation, university is empowered to detain the student from appearing from end semester / year examinations.
- Participation of students in academic activities such as seminar/workshop, industrial visits is compulsory. Non participation without prior permission, may adversely affect the student’s internal assessment performance.
- If a student absent himself / herself from the classes for seven consecutive working days without prior permission his/her name may be struck off the rolls.
- During teaching hours students are not allowed to leave the campus without written permission from the Head of Department.
- Students are prohibited from engaging in acts of intimidation, violence or abuse against any of the students, employees, staff and faculty members of the university. Students are expected to show sincere, decent and cordial attitude towards their classmates, students of other programs, staff, faculty and other employees of the university.
- Students’ loitering in the campus is prohibited.
- Smoking, chewing pan, pan-masala, gutka, gambling, consumption of alcoholic drinks and use of hallucinogenic drugs and other illegal substances, or the possession of such substances, anywhere in the University campus, is strictly forbidden.
- Carrying any explosive / fire arm, and / or weapon inside the campus is strictly prohibited.
- Students are advised not to indulge in any prohibited, illegal and unethical, immoral activities inside and / or outside the College/University campus, or else, they will be liable for punishment as per University rules.
- Safety of all personal valuables / belongings will be the responsibility of the student.
- If the student is found involved in activities resulting in direct or indirect loss/damage to the College / University, the same shall be borne by the student. He / She will be asked to compensate the university for the same.
- Adherence to dress code is compulsory for academic and allied activities in the campus.
- Each student will be issued an Identity card which is non-transferable. The student is expected to keep the ID card on his/her person while in the university campus and especially when appearing in tests and examinations, etc. and also when going out of the campus.
- University would not be liable for any compensation / claim whatsoever under any circumstances, in case of any casualty / injury or otherwise to any student during his / her academic course inside University campus.
- In case of any dispute on any matter, the decision of the university authorities would be final and binding.
- Competent authority of the university possesses the right to modify the aftore said rules and / or insert / delete from time to time in future and the same shall be binding upon the students.
Other University Rules
- Admissions in the University are offered on the basis of rules framed by the relevant bodies of the University.
- A candidate who applies for admission shall be presumed that he / she agrees to abide / well acquainted by the University Rules, statues, approval of the course and no litigation shall, therefore, be tenable.
- Admission in University shall be open to Indian citizens or Non-Resident Indians. However, University shall also admit foreign students as per the guidelines of Central and State Governments. Admissions in all programmes of University shall be made on the basis of merit, provided that admission in professional and technical courses shall be made through entrance test conducted by University or University may associate with other universities to conduct admission test which offers similar courses or can also use the score of entrance test conducted by Associations of Universities/other Federations / State agencies / other bodies for admission to any programme. However, in case of entrance test has not been conducted due to one or the other reasons or lesser availability of candidates, admission shall be made on the basis of merit in qualifying examination.
- For NRI / Foreign student's admission shall be made on merit of marks obtained in qualifying examinations.
- Where admissions are on the basis of merit in entrance test, merit shall be determined on the basis of All India admission test conducted by the University for seats available in the discipline.
- University shall conduct entrance test of its own in all disciplines having one or many centers in the entire country of abroad.
- For courses where admission is through merit in the qualifying examination weight age shall be given for excellence in sports and other extracurricular activities.
- In respect of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes / Schedule Tribes or Other Backward Classes in all courses of study, Government rules and policy shall be applicable for determining the eligibility criteria for admission to any courses of study in University.
- All admissions shall be provisional. If it is found at any stage that the qualifying examination of a candidate is not recognized by the university or he/she has concealed or given false information, such admissions shall be cancelled at any stage.
- All admissions granted shall, in the first instance, be deemed to be provisional. The office of Registrar shall confirm the admission after verification of his / her documents for eligibility and enroll the student by allotting him/her Enrolment Number.
- Every student shall have to pass a medical test within four weeks of the date of his / her provisional admission, and the admission of those found medically unfit shall be cancelled.