We all are aware of cyber threats including the illegal usage of social media and internet malware which are making it dangerous to use these technologies. However, there are contingencies against such threats as B.tech professionals specialising in Cyber Security protect against these threats.
The enormous growth of the IT sector has opened up vast opportunities for professionals holding a B.Tech Cyber Security degree to showcase their expertise. To pursue this course, you should have an interest in both technical and non-technical aspects of Cyber Security.
Who is Eligible to Pursue B.Tech in Cyber Security?
If you have cleared the higher secondary exam in Science stream from a board recognised by the UGC, you are qualified to pursue B.Tech Cyber Security.
What does the Course Entail?
It is an undergraduate course spread across four years and 8 semesters. You can explore subjects including JAVA programming, digital principles, system software, algorithm design, and analysis. You can make yourself well versed with the need for security of the databases of an organisation.
Things to Remember while Pursuing this Course
You have to identify your field of interest from different verticals like programming and others. It will help you to explore your expertise in your chosen stream for various industries.
It is ideal to obtain various certifications like Certified Informational Privacy Professionals, Security+, and Systems Security Certified Practitioner to boost your career in the right direction. To qualify for an advanced position and payout in your career, you have to appear in an exam to obtain the Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.
You have to engage in building networks in cybersecurity organisations or projects like hacking contests, etc. You can be involved in discussions with bloggers who write about cybersecurity. Always stay updated about current technological developments. As a cybersecurity officer, you have to play with data. Hence, you should make yourself a master of the trick of collecting and analysing huge sets of data. You must also prepare yourself for a master’s degree in your field of interest after pursuing this course to further advance your career.
This course is all about understanding the technical and theoretical aspects of cybersecurity. Apart from providing knowledge and skills related to the latest technologies, Sandip University is there to sharpen your business management and leadership qualities. This university is proficient in providing an industry-oriented education in Cyber Security.