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About Cyber Security and Forensics

In a world where skilled IT professionals are in high demand, the key to turning today's students into tomorrow's professionals is developing industry skills at the grassroots level. To that end, IBM's Career Education Program (under the Software Group) has revolutionised science and rapidly built the industry-relevant software skills businesses need now and in the future.

Sandip School of Computing Science & Engineering offers his B.Tech in Cybersecurity and Forensics to make cyberspace safe for all. The program is comprehensive and comprehensive, with customised offerings for engineering and business schools, students, and faculty. This is achieved by ensuring the right outcomes and benefits through collaboration at multiple levels, including curriculum support, software-based skills, skill building, and experiential learning with live projects.

Career Opportunities in Cyber Security and Forensics


Cyber Forensics Analyst

This role analyses digital evidence and investigates computer security incidents to derive useful information to support system/network vulnerability mitigation.


Cyber Security Analyst

Cybersecurity analysts are trained cyber professionals who specialise in network and IT infrastructure security.


Senior Information Security Engineer

Act as an internal consultant on using tools and redesigning processes to improve delivery


Data Scientist

Data scientists are primarily focused on creating and deriving value from the insights of data analysts.

StructureProgram Structure

Engilish Communication Skills Algebra and Differential Calculus
Environmental Studies Workshop
Applied Chemistry Engineering Mechanics
Information security and Fundamentals NSS/NCC/YRC/CLUBS*
Applied Physics Engineering Graphics & CADD
Technical Communication Integral Calculus
Introduction to Computing and C-Programming language NSS/NCC/YRC/CLUBS*
Discrete Mathematics and Logic Digital Design and Computer Organization
Object Oriented Programming Data Structures
IT Systems Security Object Oriented Programming Lab
Data Structure Lab IT System Security Lab
Dynamic Paradigm in Cyber Security and Forensics 1 Industry Internship
Modern Mathematics Object Oriented Programming in Java
Database Management System IT Application Security
Professional Ethics Object Oriented Programming in Java Lab
Database Management System Lab IT Application Security Lab
Dynamic Paradigm in Cyber Security and Forensics 2 English Communication and Soft Skill
Foreign Language (French I / German I)
Formal Languages and Automata Theory Operating System
Computer Networks IT Network Security
IT Data Security IT Data Security Lab
IT Network Security Lab Industry Internship
Dynamic Paradigm in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics 3
Design and Analysis of Algorithm Software Engineering and Project Management
Digital Forensics Information Security Audit Monitoring and Management Practices
Open Elective I Digital Forensics Lab
Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab Seminars
Dynamic Paradigm Cyber Security and Digital Forensics 4
Open Elective I
Business Intelligence
Value Added Course ( Any one)
Web Technology E-Commerce
Web Technology
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Information Security Intelligence and Compliance Analytics
Artificial Intelligence Open Elective II
Information Security Intelligence and Compliance Analytics Lab Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
Project Stage – I Internship III
Open Elective II
Web Development and Services Planning Analytics
Value added Course ( Any One)
Introduction to Industry 4.0/ 5.0 Micro services Architecture and implementation
Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists
Program Elective I Program Elective II
Program Elective III Project Stage – II
Program Elective
Advance Software Engineering Software Project Management
Grid and Cluster Computing Machine Learning
Neural Network Soft Computing
Mobile Computing Ubiquitous Computing
Information Storageand Retrieval Stributed System
Advanced Databases Embedded and RealTime Operating System

Fee Structure & Eligibility

Programme Sem Year Mode Eligibility Academic Fees
Per Year (INR)
Special Fees
(Incl. Library Fee & Examination Fees)
Per Year (INR)
Fees Per Year


B. Tech CSE with Specialisation in Cyber Security and Forensics 8 4 Sem Passed 10+2 examination with Physics/ Mathematics / Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biology/ Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology/ Technical Vocational subject/ Agriculture/ Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies/ Entrepreneurship as per table 8.4 Agriculture stream (for Agriculture Engineering) Obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together
Passed min. 3 years Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies in the First Year, in case the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted. (The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc., for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to prepare Level playing field and desired learning outcomes of the programme).
Rs 1,90,000/- Rs 10,000 /- Rs 2,00,000/-


B. Tech CSE with Specialisation in Cyber Security and Forensics 6 3 Sem Passed Minimum Three years/Two years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in Any branch of Engineering and Technology.
Passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognised University as defined by UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject.
Passed D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector. (The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics,Physics,Engineering drawing etc, for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve desired learning outcomes of the programme) Refer table 1.10 of Appendix-1
Rs 1,90,000/- Rs 10,000 /- Rs 2,00,000/-

  • Admission Form and Prospectus Rs. 1000/- (One Time).
  • Caution Money Rs. 1000/-
  • Hostel Fees Rs. 1,10,000/- per annum + 5000 (Deposit Rs 5, 000 at the time of Admission only on refundable basis) Minimum 4 Occupancy
  • Transportation Fees as applicable based on Route and Pick Up Point.
  • Uniform Cost Rs. 6000/-