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B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering

Sandip University’s B.Tech Aerospace Engineering program is designed to train students in the elements of designing, developing, testing, and manufacturing aircrafts, spacecrafts, propulsion systems, control systems, and much more. This flagship program focuses on helping students grasp the principles of aerospace engineering and build expertise in this field as per latest industry standards.

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Sandip University is equipped with the latest lab tech, research facilities, training amenities, and high-tech computer labs to develop each student’s technical skills. Students are mentored by expert faculty members with dynamic experience in this field of aerospace engineering. The course curriculum is infused with value addition and global certification programs for balanced technical and soft skill-building in students.

Students are trained to work towards obtaining dynamic career options from a vast pool of opportunities in the aerospace industry. The skill-intensive and practical knowledge-based pedagogy is guaranteed to prepare students for a globally impactful career in aerospace engineering in the long run. As one of the top aerospace engineering colleges in Maharashtra, Sandip University aims to provide highly capable, skilled, qualified, and talented engineers that can facilitate great advancements in the aerospace industry!

Key Features of the Program at Sandip University

  • Industry-synced advanced curriculum
  • Value addition and global certification programs
  • Research-based and project-based training
  • Labs fully equipped with futuristic tech
  • Compulsory internships
  • 100% placement assistance

Career Opportunities in Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace engineers are responsible for designing, testing, manufacturing, and maintaining components and systems used in aircrafts and spacecrafts to ensure their usability and durability.


Thermal Design Engineer

Thermal design engineers are tasked with designing, testing, analysing, and optimising thermal equipment and systems used to transfer heat, reduce loss of energy, and maintain required temperatures.


Research Engineer

Research engineers in aerospace engineering are responsible for researching newer technologies through diagnostic tests, experiment with thermal designing techniques, and develop better tech for the industry.


Aircraft Production Manager

Aircraft production managers are tasked with overseeing a manufacturing unit that produces aircrafts while also being responsible for managing employees, designing budgets, quality control etc.

StructureProgram Structure

Engilish Communication Skills Applied Physics
Algebra and Differential Calculus Environmental Studies
Engineering Graphics & CADD. Workshop
Applied Chemistry Engineering Mechanics
Technical Communication Integral Calculus
Introduction to Computing and C-Programming Language Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Introduction to Control System Mechanics of Fluids
Thermodynamics Numerical Methods and Programming
Mechanics of Solid Internship - I
Mechanics of Fluid Lab Thermodynamics Lab
Mechanics of Solid Lab Hss (Foreign Language)
Aerodynamics Aerospace Propulsion
Aerospace Structures Introduction to artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Probability, Vector, Calculus and complex Variables Aerodynamics Lab
Aerodynamics Propulsion Lab Aerodynamics Structure Lab
Supersonic and Hypersonic Aerodynamics Combustion of solid Fuels and Propellants
Basic Rocket Structural Mechanics Orbital Mechanics
Introduction to CFD Supersonic Aerodynamic Lab
Rocket, Missiles and Space Vehicle Component Design Lab Internship-II
Rocket, Missiles Structure Lab
Theory of Vibrations Aerospace System and Instrumentation
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Finite Element Methods
Open Elective-I Unmanned Aerials Vehicles Labs
Finite Element analysis Lab Mini Projects
Aero Elasticity Control Guidelines and Navigation
Professional Elective -I Professional Elective -II
Open Elective II Internship III #
Project Stage I
Professional Elective -I
Satellite Technology Principle and Appliances Fundamentals of Guided Missiles
Fundamental of Space Missions AI in Aerospace Engineering
Low temperature Materials and Mechanism Fundamentals of Avionics
Professional Elective -II
Fundamentals of Satellite remote Sensing Missiles Guidelines and Control system
Space Stations and platforms AI and block Chain optimization Techniques in aerospace Engineering
High temperature Materials and Mechanisms Flight Control System
Spacecraft Design Programme Elective III
Programme Elective IV Project Stage II
Programme Elective III
Satellite Communication System Design of Tactical Missiles
Space Vehicles Dynamics and Control Machine Intelligence and Autonomy for Aerospace Systems
Nano Structures and Nano Materials Integrated Avionics System
Programme Elective IV
Design for Small Satellites Design of Liquids Propellant Rocket engine
Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft Aerospace Structures and Composite Materials with AI
Composite Materials and Structures Interfacing with Sensors and Actuators

Fee Structure & Eligibility

Programme Sem Year Mode Eligibility Academic Fees
Per Year (INR)
Special Fees
(Incl. Library Fee & Examination Fees)
Per Year (INR)
Fees Per Year

School of Engineering & Technology (UG)

B.Tech. (Aerospace Engineering) 8 4 Sem Passed 10+2 examination with Physics / Mathematics / Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biology/ Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology/ Technical Vocational subject/ Agriculture/ Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies/ Entrepreneurship as per table 8.4 Agriculture stream (for Agriculture Engineering) Obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together
Passed min. 3 years Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies in the First Year, in case the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted. (The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc., for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to prepare Level playing field and desired learning outcomes of the programme).
Rs.1,20,000 /- Rs.10,000 /- Rs.1,30,000/-

School of Engineering & Technology (UG-Lateral Entry)

B.Tech (Aerospace Engineering) 6 3 Sem Passed Minimum Three years/Two years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in Any branch of Engineering and Technology.
Passed B.Sc Degree from recognised University as defined by UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject.
Passed D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector. (The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics,Physics,Engineering drawing etc, for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve desired learning outcomes of the programme) Refer table 1.10 of Appendix-1
Rs.1,20,000 /- Rs.10,000 /- Rs.1,30,000/-

  • Admission Form and Prospectus Rs. 1000/- (One Time).
  • Caution Money Rs. 1000/-
  • Hostel Fees Rs. 1,10,000/- per annum + 5000 (Deposit Rs 5, 000 at the time of Admission only on refundable basis) Minimum 4 Occupancy
  • Transportation Fees as applicable based on Route and Pick Up Point.
  • Uniform Cost Rs. 6000/-

Lab Facility


Faculty Achievements:

  • Ravi Krishna Swami Garigipati, “A Phase change dynamics based system for additive manufacturing development of alloys”, Application Number: 202341009177 A, Indian Patent, date of filing: 12/02/2023, Date of Publication: 17/02/2023.
  • Mr. Sujeet Kumar Pandey “An IOT Based Smart Drip Irrigation and Pest Control Management System”. Application Number: 202321005077. CBR Number: on 25-Jan 2023.
  • Shiva Prasad U.”A System for Information Management in Computerized Injectors” Application No. 202211010459 A, Patent Filed Date: 27/02/2022, June 2022.
  • Sandeep Juluru “Design of Electromagnetic Rail Gun for Aerospace Applications” Application No. 202241070716, December 2022.
  • Sandeep Juluru, Awarded उत्कृष्ट शिक्षक पुरस्कार 2022, instituted by the International Institute of organised Research (I2OR) which is a registered MSME with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India.   

Students Achievements :

Sr. No. Name of the Student Title of the Event Prizes Received if any Dates
1. Yuvraj Ramdas Pagare National level Innovation Fest organised by Government College of Engineering 1st prize 5th Feb 2023
National level Project Competition and Exhibition organised by JIT College, Nashik 1st prize 21st Feb 2023
Project Exhibition in National Level TechFest organised by SOCSE, Sandip University, Nashik 1st prize 14th June 2022
State level Online Project Competition by Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic on project 1st prize 18th June 2021
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology organised by MVP RSM Polytechnic in association with Indian Society of Technical Education, ISHRAE and CSI Nashik 2nd prize 9th June 2021
Project Presentation in 10th National Level Technical & Non-Technical Events of Techxellence
2nd prize 13th May 2022
Project Competition at National Level Techfest by EESA, Sandip Foundation
2nd prize 16th April 2022
2. Sharda More, Rushikesh Jaware National Centre for Radio Astrophysics set up by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research conducted a two-day Science Exhibition on account of Science Day 1st Prize 28th & 29th February 2020
3. Viraj Desai, Jitesh Swami, Dishant Sonawane Poster Competition 1st prize 23rd April 2022
4. Kunal Thuse, Siddhesh Phalke Aeromodelling 1st prize 13/05/2022
5. Raunak Soni, Harish Pawar Best from Waste 1st prize 13/05/2022
6. Harnish Khatri, Pooja Mohanty Technical Quiz 1st prize 13/05/2022
7. Shubham Kamble, Jayesh Wagh, Bhushan Maghade, Jaidev Reddy, Jagdish Katta, Vedant Nehte Volleyball 1st prize 13/05/2022
8. Mr. Yuvraj Pagare, Mr. Jaidev Reddy,Mr. Manav Patel,Mr. Bhuwnesh Kumar Mali,Mr. Dhruv Padhi IFERP-Student Project Competition 2023 " at SRMIST Ramapuram, Chennai 3rd prize 17/04/2023


Sr.No. Name of Dept. Name of Organisation Date of MOU Purpose
1 Department of Aero Engineering Aelosus Aerotech Pvt Ltd 21-07-2018 Internship training
2 Department of Aero Engineering Marthsakha Aerospace and Aviation Pvt Ltd 10-08-2018 Internship training
3 Department of Aero Engineering PBCS Aero hub 10-07-2017 Internship training
4 Department of Aero Engineering Skill Academy by Testbook 17-09-2022 Placement Training


Program Educational Objective (PEOs)

PEO1 To produce graduates having a strong background of basic science, Mathematics & Engineering and ability to use these tools
PEO2 To produce graduates who can demonstrate technical competence in the field of Aerospace and Aeronautical engineering and develop solutions to the complex problems
PEO3 To produce graduates having professional competence through life-long learning such as advanced degrees, professional skills and other professional activities related globally to engineering & society
PEO4 To produce graduates who function effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment and individually, within a societal and environmental context.
PEO5 To produce graduates who would be able to take individual responsibility and work as a part of a team towards the fulfillment of both individual and organizational goals.

Programme Outcome (POs)

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO1 Should be able to understand the concepts of Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering and their applications in the field of Propulsion technology, Aerodynamics, Aerospace system design, communication, navigation and control of airplane, space technology and other relevant areas.
PSO2 Should have an ability to apply technical knowledge and usage of modern technology and advances related to Aerospace and Aeronautical engineering for solving real world Problems
PSO3 Should have the capability to analyze, comprehend, design & develop Aerospace subsystems/ systems for a variety of engineering applications and thus demonstrating professional ethics & concern for societal well-being.