Vision & Mission

Vision of School of Engineering & Technology

To be one of the most preferred learning place to nurture future global leaders congenial to society.

Mission of School of Engineering & Technology
UM1 Offering well balanced programmes with scholarly faculty and state-of-art facilities to impart high level of knowledge.
UM2 Providing student - centered education and foster their growth in critical thinking, creativity, Entrepreneurship, problem solving and collaborative work.
UM3 Involving progressive and meaningful research with concern for sustainable development.
UM4 Enabling the students to acquire the skills for global competencies.
UM5 Inculcating Universal values, Self-respect, Gender equality, Dignity and Ethics.
Vision of Department of Mechanical Engineering

Build Professionals in the field of Mechanical Engineering to serve the society and industry.

Mission of Department of Mechanical Engineering
M1 To impart quality technical education in Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering.
M2 To inculcate Sustainable Managerial Skills, Research and Learning Attitudes, and Social Responsibilities.
M3 To be committed to fulfil the needs of society in manufacturing and service sector.
Vision of Department of Aero Engineering

Our vision is to transform Sandip University Aerospace Engineering (SUAE) reaching pinnacle in Aerospace Engineering through the dedicated efforts of highly qualified faculty, able administration, course appropriate laboratory facilities and grooming the students to become world class engineers and ethical societal members.

Mission of Department of Aero Engineering
DM: To provide capable, motivated, and well prepared students with an Aerospace Engineering education of the highest quality, that will enable them to reach their maximum potential in a technological world; to significantly advance knowledge, its applications and integration in aerospace related disciplines.
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
To impart knowledge in electrical engineering to develop professionals and leaders to meet the global challenges and to be socially responsible
DM1 To establish vibrant learning environment to enable students for lifelong learning with ethical practices to face challenges of electrical engineering education by providing state-of-art infrastructural and laboratory facilities. (V – B)
DM2 To promote active learning, critical thinking and engineering judgment coupled with business, entrepreneurial skills with leadership quality. (V – B)
DM3 To establish centre of excellence in the field of power system, power quality and energy management through solving complex industrial engineering problem. ( V – P)
DM4 To encourage students for innovation, research and real world problems with multidisciplinary approach. (V-P)
DM5 To offer testing, consultancy and R&D services to various social, educational, industrial and commercial organizations for self-reliance. (V-V)
Vision of Department of Civil Engineering
To develop competent Civil Engineers of global standards in promoting sustainable infrastructure growth.
Mission of Department of Civil Engineering
DM1 To impart world class Civil Engineering knowledge with proper blend of theoretical, industrial and research inputs coupled with activity based learning.
DM2 To provide an intellectually challenging learning ambience, that encourages and enables our students, faculty and staff to achieve their best in a diverse community
DM3 To serve as a reliable, highly capable resource for society, the profession and the university through activities in professional organizations, campus committees, consultancy, sponsored research, government agencies and continuing education