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Vision & Mission

Department of Design
  • To develop an integrated and harmonious design personality by synthesizing values and creatively visualize future needs.
  • To nurture enlightened design leaders in all walks of life with a strong value base.
  • To materialize the ethos of Nation building and Indian culture.
DM1 To bring the student to professional design education
DM2 To nurture young students for leadership roles in the chosen design area of the society.
DM3 Aspire student for professional design positions with strong value base
Department of Beauty Cosmetology
  • To develop an integrated and harmonious personality by synthesizing values and creatively visualize future needs.
  • To nurture enlightened Cosmetologist in all walks of life with a strong value base.
  • To materialize the ethos of Nation building and Indian culture.
DM1 To bring the student to professional Cosmetics education.
DM2 To nurture young students for leadership roles in the chosen area of the society.
DM 3 Aspire student for professional positions with strong value base.